AI and the Auditor: A New Era for Financial Document Analysis

AI and the Auditor: A New Era for Financial Document Analysis 03.04.2024, by iconicchain It’s not a secret anymore that AI and Machine Learning (ML) are taking over the world. Providing a huge space for fun and creativity (of course, we are all eagerly waiting for ChatGPT-powered toasters and microwaves) they are also rapidly entering […]

The European Green Deal – how does securitization help?

The European Green Deal – how does securitization help? 02.02.2024, by iconicchain The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives, which aims to set the EU on the path to a green transition, with the ultimate goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. It supports the transformation of the EU into a fair […]

“Embarking on the Synthetic Securitization Journey: A Guided Experience”

“Embarking on the Synthetic Securitization Journey: A Guided Experience” 13.10.2023, by iconicchain Navigating the intricacies of a synthetic securitization transaction demands not only expertise but also a collaborative approach. Working with customers across Europe, we’ve encountered five major steps and key aspects that we’d like to share, illustrating how we work together to achieve success. […]

Extracting data from financial documents with AI

Extracting data from financial documents with AI 05.04.2023, by iconicchain How to process a big set of documents quickly, efficiently, securely and reliably? How to extract important data from each of the thousand invoices? Is there a way to manipulate values from financial records on the fly, without manually writing each of them into the […]

The need for a platform to boost adoption of securitization in the EU

The need for a platform to boost adoption of securitization in the EU 20.03.2023, by iconicchain It is fair to say that securitization “earned” some bad reputation, being perceived as the key instrument behind the financial crisis of 2007-2008. In the aftermath of that crisis, the market basically stopped and only started recovering after a […]

Architecting Anonymity and Security for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

Architecting Anonymity and Security for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) 19.01.2023, by iconicchain One of the stated goals of digital central bank currencies (CBDC) is to preserve the benefits of traditional cash while extending those with key new capabilities enabled by digitalization. Two of the key characteristics of cash are anonymity and extreme distribution. Using […]

FinTech, RegTech, SupTech – what is behind?

FinTech, RegTech, SupTech – what is behind? 25. November 2022, by iconicchain FinTech, RegTech and SupTech are trendy buzzwords nowadays in the financial industry, but have you ever wondered what exactly is behind these names? To understand their meaning, we must look back to the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2007. The crisis […]

Enterprise blockchain


Enterprise blockchain 14. November 2022, by iconicchain The blockchain trilemma: pick two As we all know about the blockchain trilemma (that a blockchain system cannot be all three: distributed, scalable and secure at the same time) we see how various teams and communities try to find a perfect balance in large public networks like Ethereum, […]

Automating Financial Document Type Recognition

Automating Financial Document Type Recognition Farkhad Kuanyshkereyev, Friday, October 28, 2022 Many organizations and companies today perform a lot of work related to manual data extraction from printed documents. Those documents could be invoices, receipts, checks, bills, etc. Numerous hours are spent by auditors to capture certain information such as the items purchased, their prices, […]

Powering Compliance Applications through Machine Learning

Powering Compliance Applications through Machine Learning Md Raisul Kibria, Friday, October 7, 2022  With the advent of Machine Learning (ML) and data-driven algorithms, we are observing Artificial Intelligence (AI) do things that were virtually unimaginable otherwise. It’s not only the fun things like art or melody generation that are possible but now AI-based services are […]